Over the past 14 weeks, we have been delivering our Aspire Mentoring Programme at Brunts Academy, which aims to enhance student behaviour and attendance. Eight students participated in the programme, receiving guidance from four of our Community Trust coaches.
Before the programme began, positive behaviour points were at 63%. By the end of the summer term, they had increased to 70%, reflecting a 7% improvement. Additionally, negative behaviour points decreased by 7% among the eight mentees at Brunts Academy. The number of late arrivals also showed significant improvement, with only 45 recorded during the twelve-week summer term. This contrasts with 252 recorded lates during the autumn and spring terms combined, meaning the summer term accounted for just 15.16% of the total lates, while the previous terms accounted for 84.84%.
Last week, we hosted a celebration event to recognise the mentees' achievements this academic term alongside their mentors. Certificates were awarded for their accomplishments, and the school received a Community Trust ball signed by the coaches and mentees to commemorate the day.
Project leader, Macauley Short said: "We saw such an improvement in the mentees social skills and understanding the importance of attending school and attending lessons with next to no lates or truancy with the numbers above backing this up."